X4 Master of the Desert Nomads  Foreign Editions               HomeUp

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X4 Le Maître des Nomades

Identical to the U.S. version (thanks to Adrian Newman for this info, and the scan).

E4 Herr Der Wüstensöhne

Note that the module code is E4 (which stands for "Experten" -- the letter "x" in German is pronounced "ix", which kills the hint to the Expert Set).  Thanks to Uwe Siebel for this info.

X4 Master of the Desert Nomads

Thanks to Or Lev for the scan.

X4 Il Maestro dei Nomadi del Deserto

Thanks to Ciro Alessandro Sacco and Danilo Moretti for the scan.

X4 Master of the Desert Nomads

Thanks to Paul Stormberg for the scan.